Kalkulator emisije polutanata u cestovnom prometu
Kalkulator sam napravio prema
EMEP/EEA air pollutant emission inventory guidebook 2019 - Update Oct. 2021. u izdanju European Environment Agency. Kalkulator je za sada posve jednostavan, uzima samo neku srednju potrošnju goriva po tipu vozila i vrsti goriva (benzin - dizel), ne uzimajući u obzir brzinu te stanje i kvalitetu kolnika.
Podatke o indirektnim emisijama stakleničkih plinova izraženih kao ekvivalent CO
2 električnih vozila našao sam u dokumentu
The 21st Century Electric Car u izdanju
Tesla Motors od 9.10.2006.
Koristiš na vlastitu odgovornost, za posljedice ne odgovaram!
Road traffic pollutant emission calculator
I made the calculator according to
EMEP/EEA air pollutant emission inventory guidebook 2019 - Update Oct. 2021 published by the European Environment Agency. The calculator is completely simple for now, it only takes average fuel consumption by vehicle type and fuel type (gasoline - diesel), not taking into account speed and road condition and quality.
I found the electric vehicles indirect greenhouse gases emissions data expressed as equivalent CO
2 in the document
The 21st Century Electric Car published by
Tesla Motors from October 9, 2006.
Use at your own risk, I am not responsible for the consequences!
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